‘Twas the night before the Holiday party, and I can hardly wait.
With colleagues and friends, I have much to celebrate.
My dress is hung in the closet with care,
I know just how I’ll do my makeup and hair.
I am nestled all warm and snug in my bed,
But visions of high heel pain keep running through my head.
What if I can’t make it through the night?
What if I can’t walk without grimacing? Oh what a sight!
Away to the computer I flew like a flash,
to Google the perfect product for this Holiday bash.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
Vivian Lou Insolia Insoles for High Heels.
With a promise of straighter posture, better balance and less pain,
I was so happy to find them! This calls for champagne!
Developed by a podiatrist and sized for a perfect fit,
Vivian Lou Insolia insoles worked wonderfully! They were a hit.
Now I want them in all of my high heels!
The black ones, the nude ones, the red and the teal.
I want them…
On Christian! On Jimmy! Now Manolo and Giuseppe!
On Stewart! On Gucci! On Brian and Badgley!
Vivian Lou Insolia insoles now in all my shoes,
I wear stilettos every day - no aches, no pain, no high heel blues.
Here's to straighter posture, better balance and less pain this Holiday (and every day)!
Happy shoeing!