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5 ways to hint that you'd like shoes for Valentine's Day.

5 ways to hint that you'd like shoes for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day. 

It's a day to celebrate romance and shower your loved one with flowers, chocolate, jewelry and other tokens of affection.

How lovely would it be to receive a new pair of shoes this Valentine's Day instead of the typical flowers? 

Does your love know that the way to your heart is through your sole? (Pun intended.)

Here are five ways to politely drop hints. 

:: Technique 1: Drop a hypothetical hint.

You: "If I were going to spruce up my wardrobe (and my confidence), I know the first thing I would buy.” 

Love: "What is that?"

You: “These amazing pair of shoes I saw at _______. I absolutely love them! With those shoes on my feet, I'd leave the house feeling confident and ready to take on the day."

:: Technique 2: Drop a historical hint.

You: “Do you know what you gave me last year for Valentine's Day?” 

Love: "Hmmmm."

You: "I absolutely loved the flowers. They were gorgeous, but I wish a gift celebrating our love would last longer than a week."

Love: "Like what?"

You: "How about a new pair of shoes? Every time I'd put them on, I'd think of you!"  

:: Technique 3: Drop a subtle, "accidental' hint.

Print out a Nordstrom's product page for the shoes you'd like and leave it on the printer.

Leave the Zappos gift card page open in one of your browser tabs.

Circle a pair of shoes in the Anthropologie Look Book and leave it on the kitchen counter.

You get the idea...

:: Technique 4: Drop a "could I be any more obvious?" hint.

You: "I know you’ve always taken me out for dinner on Valentine's Day, and I have loved each and every meal. I was hoping you might be open to changing it up this year! 

Love: "Really?"

You: "Yes. I have found THE most amazing pair of high heels. They make my heart sing and won't add an inch to my waistline."

:: Technique 5: Drop a Vivian Lou Insolia® hint.

You: Leave Vivian Lou Insolia® Insoles for High Heels laying around the house.

Love: "What are these? 

You: "Oh thank you for finding my Vivian Lou Insolia insoles. Can you believe this slim insert precisely shifts weight from the ball of my foot to the heel + prevents my feet from slipping forward. I can wear my heels up to 4x longer without pain. They're are lifesavers!

Love: "Why are they laying around the house?"

You: "Oh! Because I need a new pair of shoes to put them in."

There you have it. Just a few ideas on how to graciously hint that you'd prefer shoes over ... well, just about anything. 

Pick a technique and drop it like it's hot!

Happy Hinting!

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